Alexander the great was a soldier and King. He was the
creator of one of the largest empire in ancient history by
the age of thirty. His life explains a lot about his determination, valor and political
intelligence, all of these aspects are based on an education by the famed
philosopher Aristotle.
The great king of Macedonia was the first and the most
famous feminist of mankind history. If he had built a strong feminist structure
in his government, women had not lost 2000 years looking for a better place in
the society. Alexander could have followed the social ideas focused on Athens’
laws (men as the most important individuals of society), however he did not.
Social Studies show us that a country with genre equity use to get a better
economy and a best quality of education, as a matter of fact Alexander knew
about this way to build a better nation.
Women needed 2000 years to change the society. They
should keep going and should show all the incredible things what world can
share with all these amazing beings. Feminist is not sexual icons who preach
promiscuity because some men use to be promiscuous. Feminist is not some bad
words and stupid jokes against men. Feminist is not to get a rich man as a
husband and fool him. Feminist is truly to be valued and value your world. It
is for getting an interaction between women and world with values and equity as
a lot of years Alexander dreamt.